
Divine Secrets: Tetradic .. WTF, Manda?

Divine secrets June 15th challenge is creating a themed art piece based on a tetradic color theme. *Stares blankly at Manda* Manda is the art queen – Faery Ink. I do love you to pieces Ms.Manda, but … what the FUCK is that? I am almost certain she is smirking as she reads this. Teehee. She said to go HERE. I still don’t get it. But, I’ll give it a go. Perhaps I’ll do some more research on it and tackle this appropriately later. I think I’m lacking blue and green in the first photo and blue in the second. Manda — help me out here. XD

Butterfly© Amanda VanDamme


Sunflower Butterfly © Amanda VanDamme

Divine Secrets: Flowers & Shits about Me

I have been lacking in my keeping up my blog. Sorry. I am trying to enjoy the sun and warm weather as much as possible as it seems that there is about a month of summer up here in Northern New York. So, I am going to play catch up before I shut down this computer and go outside to enjoy another day of sunshine. The Divine Secrets June 8th challenge is Five Things About me and Flowers.


I photographed my orchids in the front yard when they first bloomed. They have since withered away and wont bloom again until next year, but they are one of my favorite flowers. Lillies of any kind being the #1. The scientific name of the early purple orchid is orchis mascula. It is a perennial herbaceous plant with stems up to 50–60 centimetres (20–24 in) of height. They are quite tall. It grows in a variety of habitats, from meadows to mountain pastures and woods, in full sun or shady areas. It is referred to as “long purple” by Gertrude in Shakespeare’s Hamlet. (Info: Orchis Mascula)

The second challenge is Five Things You Didn’t Know About Me (this COULD get interesting)

Continue reading

Art Journaling: FREE Water color Printables

It has been about two-years since I have opened photo-shop and actually done anything aside from a basic photo edit. Life has gotten in the way and I haven’t had the inspiration to do anything. Today I scanned through my most recent watercolor mess and manipulated it in photo-shop. The main reason was to re-gain an idea of the controls again. Certainly something you don’t ever forget – but, I have lost the ability to work quickly within the work flow. So … here’s some art journaling shit for you. You’re welcome to print it and or manipulate it for personal use. If it is absolutely imperative that you include it in some commercial rendering, just send me an e-mail and ask first please. I’m not that hard to get along with (depending on the day).

I have linked up each image to orignal file. So, to save just click the image and than right click and save as. The printable sizing is 12 x 12″.

These are all save in .JPEG format. If you would like copies of the .PSD files just shoot me an e-mail and I will e-mail them to you.

WC-001-PSD  WC-004-PSD

WC-002-PSD  WC-003-PSD

If you do make something with them – come back and leave a comment. I’m nosy and want to see. Please do NOT offer them for direct download from your website. Re-direct your people to my blog. Spanks!


Amanda VanDamme


Six Word Saturday V3

unnamed (1)

(Left: Manda, Right: Vejay)

  1. Taunted (by wee little people)
  2. Frigid (St Lawrence Rive is NOT friendly in June)
  3. Silly (Reminded me of being a kid)
  4. Humorous (We all laughed as I hesitated & whined)
  5. Drained (Outside ALL day, I was ready for bed at 7 p.m.)
  6. Happy (I am so grateful for my kids, the kids I get to babysit, friends & family)

Divine Secrets – “Dear Ms.PisseyPants …”

This week’s Divine Secrets of the Blah Blah Bloggerhood prompt is “Wish I knew then …” We are supposed to share our present wisdom with our younger self. I suppose in this case it would be easier to just perhaps write a letter to my daughter. I hold no regrets in my life. I believe each and every experience I have had in my life has shaped me into the exact person I am today. I am not flawless or perfect, I am most certainly a sarcastic asshole when the opportunity presents itself; I have learned some things that I hope I can share with my daughter (just as my mother did with me). However, I hope that unlike myself – she will listen and when that situation presents itself that relates to the advice I pass onto her … she uses it in a way that works for her.

My Daughter Continue reading